Specific configuration areas are described below; please refer to the deployment instructions for complete examples.
Alluxio Site Properties
Alluxio Edge can be configured by setting the values of configuration properties within alluxio-site.properties.
License configurations
Alluxio Edge requires a license and an ETCD cluster to connect to. These are configured by the following properties.
# list the URLs for each etcd host in the etcd cluster, ex. http://trino-edge-etcd1:2379,http://trino-edge-etcd2:2379,http://trino-edge-etcd3:2379
alluxio.etcd.endpoints=<YOUR ETCD ENDPOINTS HERE>
As needed, set the username and password to authenticate to ETCD.
This sample code specifies AWS S3 as the root under file system that Alluxio Edge will be accessing.
The minimal configuration needed is to set credentials for S3 so that Alluxio Edge can access S3. Please update the values for s3a.accessKeyId and s3a.secretKey corresponding to your own S3 credentials mentioned in prerequisites.
Trino worker and coordinator needs to know the Alluxio Edge cache size alluxio.user.client.cache.size and path alluxio.user.client.cache.dirs. This sample code specifies the cache storage directories Alluxio Edge will use.
Enable edge cache on RAM disk, assuming it is mounted on /dev/shm: