alluxio.etcd.endpoints=<connection URI of etcd cluster>
将 alluxio.etcd.endpoints 设置为 ETCD 集群中的实例列表,例如:
# Typically an etcd cluster has at least 3 nodes, for high availability
# Add a new mount point
$ bin/alluxio mount add --path /s3/ --ufs-uri s3://bucketA/data/
Mounted ufsPath=s3://bucketA/data to alluxioPath=/s3 with 0 options
# Remove an existing mount point
$ bin/alluxio mount remove --path /s3/
Unmounted /s3 from Alluxio.
您可以使用 bin/alluxio mount list 命令列出当前的挂载表:
$ bin/alluxio mount list
Listing all mount points
s3a://data/ on /s3/ properties={}
file:///tmp/underFSStorage/ on /local/ properties={}
# Configure the S3 credentials for all mount points
s3.accessKeyId=<S3 ACCESS KEY>
s3.secretKey=<S3 SECRET KEY>
# Configure the HDFS configurations for all mount points
# This is invalid, you cannot mount to the root path directly
/ s3://my-bucket/
# This is invalid, a mount point can only be directly under /
/s3-images/dataset1 s3://my-bucket/data/images/dataset1
# This is valid
/s3-images s3://my-bucket/data/images/dataset1
# Suppose we have this mount point
/data s3://bucket/data
# This new mount point is invalid -- the Alluxio path is under an existing mount point
/data/hdfs hdfs://host:port/data
# This is also invalid -- the UFS path is under an existing mount point
/images s3://bucket/data/images