While users should use S3 API for data I/O operations, admins can interact with Alluxio through REST API for actions not supported by S3 API. For example, mount and unmount operations.
For portability with other language, the Alluxio Java API) is also accessible via an HTTP proxy in the form of a REST API. Alluxio's Python and Go clients rely on this REST API to talk to Alluxio.
The REST API documentation is generated as part of the Alluxio build and accessible through ${ALLUXIO_HOME}/core/server/proxy/target/miredot/index.html. The main difference between the REST API and the Alluxio Java API is in how streams are represented. While the Alluxio Java API can use in-memory streams, the REST API decouples the stream creation and access (see the create and open REST API methods and the streams resource endpoints for details).
The HTTP proxy is a standalone server that can be started using ${ALLUXIO_HOME}/bin/alluxio-start.sh proxy and stopped using ${ALLUXIO_HOME}/bin/alluxio-stop.sh proxy. By default, the REST API is available on port 39999.
There are performance implications of using the HTTP proxy. In particular, using the proxy requires an extra network hop to perform filesystem operations. For optimal performance, it is recommended to run the proxy server and an Alluxio worker on each compute node.
Alluxio has a Python Client for interacting with Alluxio through its REST API. The Python client exposes an API similar to the Alluxio Java API). See the doc for detailed documentation about all available methods. See the example on how to perform basic file system operations in Alluxio.
The Python client requires an Alluxio proxy that exposes the REST API to function.
Install Python Client Library
$ pip install alluxio
Example Usage
The following program includes examples of how to create directory, download, upload, check existence for, and list status for files in Alluxio.
This example can also be found here in the Python package's repository.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import json
import sys
import alluxio
from alluxio import option
def colorize(code):
def _(text, bold=False):
c = code
if bold:
c = '1;%s' % c
return '\033[%sm%s\033[0m' % (c, text)
return _
green = colorize('32')
def info(s):
def pretty_json(obj):
return json.dumps(obj, indent=2)
py_test_root_dir = '/py-test-dir'
py_test_nested_dir = '/py-test-dir/nested'
py_test = py_test_nested_dir + '/py-test'
py_test_renamed = py_test_root_dir + '/py-test-renamed'
client = alluxio.Client('localhost', 39999)
info("creating directory %s" % py_test_nested_dir)
opt = option.CreateDirectory(recursive=True)
client.create_directory(py_test_nested_dir, opt)
info("writing to %s" % py_test)
with client.open(py_test, 'w') as f:
f.write('Alluxio works with Python!\n')
with open(sys.argv[0]) as this_file:
info("getting status of %s" % py_test)
stat = client.get_status(py_test)
info("renaming %s to %s" % (py_test, py_test_renamed))
client.rename(py_test, py_test_renamed)
info("getting status of %s" % py_test_renamed)
stat = client.get_status(py_test_renamed)
info("reading %s" % py_test_renamed)
with client.open(py_test_renamed, 'r') as f:
info("listing status of paths under /")
root_stats = client.list_status('/')
for stat in root_stats:
info("deleting %s" % py_test_root_dir)
opt = option.Delete(recursive=True)
client.delete(py_test_root_dir, opt)
info("asserting that %s is deleted" % py_test_root_dir)
assert not client.exists(py_test_root_dir)
Alluxio has a Go Client for interacting with Alluxio through its REST API. The Go client exposes an API similar to the Alluxio Java API. See the godoc for detailed documentation about all available methods. The godoc includes examples of how to download, upload, check existence for, and list status for files in Alluxio.
The Go client requires an Alluxio proxy that exposes the REST API to function.
Install Go Client Library
$ go get -d github.com/Alluxio/alluxio-go
Example Usage
If there is no Alluxio proxy running locally, replace "localhost" below with a hostname of a proxy.