Alluxio's command line interface provides user access to various operations, such as:
Start or stop processes
Filesystem operations
Administrative commands
Invoke the executable to view the possible subcommands:
To set JVM system properties as part of the command, set the -D
flag in the form of -Dproperty=value
To attach debugging java options specified by $ALLUXIO_USER_ATTACH_OPTS
, set the --attach-debug
Note that, as a part of Alluxio deployment, the Alluxio shell will also take the configuration in ${ALLUXIO_HOME}/conf/alluxio-site.properties
when it is run from Alluxio installation at ${ALLUXIO_HOME}
Worker-related file system and format operations.
cache format
Usage: bin/alluxio cache format
The format command formats the Alluxio worker on this host. This deletes all the cached data stored by the worker. Data in the under storage will not be changed.
Warning: Format should only be called when the worker is not running
cache free
Usage: bin/alluxio cache free [flags]
Synchronously free cached files along a path or held by a specific worker
: The file or directory to free (Default: "")--worker
: The worker to free (Default: "")
Get, set, and validate configuration settings, primarily those defined in conf/alluxio-site.properties
conf get
Usage: bin/alluxio conf get [key] [flags]
The get command prints the configured value for the given key. If the key is invalid, it returns a nonzero exit code. If the key is valid but isn't set, an empty string is printed. If no key is specified, the full configuration is printed.
Note: This command does not require the Alluxio cluster to be running.
: Show configuration properties used by the master (Default: false)--source
: Show source of the configuration property instead of the value (Default: false)--unit
: Unit of the value to return, converted to correspond to the given unit. E.g., with "--unit KB", a configuration value of "4096B" will return 4 Possible options include B, KB, MB, GB, TP, PB, MS, S, M, H, D (Default: "")
conf log
Usage: bin/alluxio conf log [flags]
The log command returns the current value of or updates the log level of a particular class on specific instances. Users are able to change Alluxio server-side log levels at runtime.
The --target flag specifies which processes to apply the log level change to. The target could be of the form <master|workers|job_master|job_workers|host:webPort[:role]> and multiple targets can be listed as comma-separated entries. The role can be one of master,worker,job_master,job_worker. Using the role option is useful when an Alluxio process is configured to use a non-standard web port (e.g. if an Alluxio master does not use 19999 as its web port). The default target value is the primary master, primary job master, all workers and job workers.
Note: This command requires the Alluxio cluster to be running.
: If specified, sets the specified logger at the given level (Default: "")--name
: (Required) Logger name (ex. alluxio.master.file.DefaultFileSystemMaster)--target
: A target name among <master|workers|job_master|job_workers|host:webPort[:role]>. Defaults to master,workers,job_master,job_workers (Default: [])
Run the main method of an Alluxio class, or end-to-end tests on an Alluxio cluster.
exec basicIOTest
Usage: bin/alluxio exec basicIOTest [flags]
Run all end-to-end tests or a specific test, on an Alluxio cluster.
: Alluxio path for the tests working directory. Default: / (Default: "")--operation
: The operation to test, either BASIC or BASIC_NON_BYTE_BUFFER. By default both operations are tested. (Default: "")--readType
: The read type to use, one of NO_CACHE, CACHE, CACHE_PROMOTE. By default all readTypes are tested. (Default: "")--workers
: Alluxio worker addresses to run tests on. If not specified, random ones will be used. (Default: "")--writeType
: The write type to use, one of MUST_CACHE, CACHE_THROUGH, THROUGH. By default all writeTypes are tested. (Default: "")
exec checkCluster
Usage: bin/alluxio exec checkCluster
Test whether the workers have already run successfully.
exec class
Usage: bin/alluxio exec class [flags]
Run the main method of an Alluxio class.
: Determine a JAR file to run. (Default: "")--m
: Determine a module to run. (Default: "")
exec hdfsMountTest
Usage: bin/alluxio exec hdfsMountTest [flags]
Tests runs a set of validations against the given hdfs path.
: options associated with this mount point. (Default: "")--path
: (Required) specifies the HDFS path you want to validate.--readonly
: mount point is readonly in Alluxio. (Default: false)--shared
: mount point is shared. (Default: false)
exec ufsIOTest
Usage: bin/alluxio exec ufsIOTest [flags]
A benchmarking tool for the I/O between Alluxio and UFS. This test will measure the I/O throughput between Alluxio workers and the specified UFS path. Each worker will create concurrent clients to first generate test files of the specified size then read those files. The write/read I/O throughput will be measured in the process.
: specifies the benchmark is run in the Alluxio cluster. If not specified, this benchmark will run locally. (Default: false)--cluster-limit
: specifies how many Alluxio workers to run the benchmark concurrently. If >0, it will only run on that number of workers. If 0, it will run on all available cluster workers. If <0, will run on the workers from the end of the worker list. This flag is only used if --cluster is enabled. (Default: 0)--io-size
: specifies the amount of data each thread writes/reads. (Default: "")--java-opt
: The java options to add to the command line to for the task. This can be repeated. The options must be quoted and prefixed with a space. For example: --java-opt " -Xmx4g" --java-opt " -Xms2g". (Default: [])--path
: (Required) specifies the path to write/read temporary data in.--threads
: specifies the number of threads to concurrently use on each worker. (Default: 4)
exec ufsTest
Usage: bin/alluxio exec ufsTest [flags]
Test the integration between Alluxio and the given UFS to validate UFS semantics
: (Required) the full UFS path to run tests against.--test
: Test name, this option can be passed multiple times to indicate multipleZ tests (Default: [])
Operations to interface with the Alluxio filesystem For commands that take Alluxio URIs as an argument such as ls or mkdir, the argument should be either
A complete Alluxio URI, such as alluxio://:/
A path without its scheme header, such as /path, in order to use the default hostname and port set in alluxio-site.properties
Note: All fs commands require the Alluxio cluster to be running.
Most of the commands which require path components allow wildcard arguments for ease of use. For example, the command "bin/alluxio fs rm '/data/2014*'" deletes anything in the data directory with a prefix of 2014.
Some shells will attempt to glob the input paths, causing strange errors. As a workaround, you can disable globbing (depending on the shell type; for example, set -f) or by escaping wildcards For example, the command "bin/alluxio fs cat /\" uses the escape backslash character twice. This is because the shell script will eventually call a java program which should have the final escaped parameters "cat /\".
fs cat
Usage: bin/alluxio fs cat [path]
The cat command prints the contents of a file in Alluxio to the shell.
fs check-cached
Usage: bin/alluxio fs check-cached --path|--index-file <path> [--limit <limit-size>] [flags]
Checks if files under a path have been cached in alluxio.
: The index file on local that contains a list of file paths to check. Each line should contain a ufs file path. (Default: "")--limit
: Limit number of files to check (Default: 1000)--path
: The path to check caching status (Default: "")--recursive
: Limit number of files to check (Default: false)
fs checksum
Usage: bin/alluxio fs checksum [path]
The checksum command outputs the md5 value of a file in Alluxio. This can be used to verify the contents of a file stored in Alluxio.
fs chgrp
Usage: bin/alluxio fs chgrp [group] [path] [flags]
The chgrp command changes the group of the file or directory in Alluxio. Alluxio supports file authorization with POSIX file permissions. The file owner or superuser can execute this command.
: change the group recursively for all files and directories under the given path (Default: false)
fs chmod
Usage: bin/alluxio fs chmod [mode] [path] [flags]
The chmod command changes the permission of a file or directory in Alluxio. The permission mode is represented as an octal 3 digit value. Refer to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chmod#Numerical_permissions for a detailed description of the modes.
: change the permission recursively for all files and directories under the given path (Default: false)
fs chown
Usage: bin/alluxio fs chown <owner>[:<group>] <path> [flags]
The chown command changes the owner of a file or directory in Alluxio. The ownership of a file can only be altered by a superuser
: change the owner recursively for all files and directories under the given path (Default: false)
fs consistent-hash
Usage: bin/alluxio fs consistent-hash [--create]|[--compare <1stCheckFilePath> <2ndCheckFilePath>]|[--clean] [flags]
This command is for checking whether the consistent hash ring is changed or not
: Delete generated check data (Default: false)--compare
: Compare check files to see if the hash ring has changed (Default: false)--create
: Generate check file (Default: false)
fs cp
Usage: bin/alluxio fs cp [srcPath] [dstPath] [flags]
Copies a file or directory in the Alluxio filesystem or between local and Alluxio filesystems. The file:// scheme indicates a local filesystem path and the alluxio:// scheme or no scheme indicates an Alluxio filesystem path.
: Read buffer size when coping to or from local, with defaults of 64MB and 8MB respectively (Default: "")--preserve
: Preserve file permission attributes when copying files; all ownership, permissions, and ACLs will be preserved (Default: false)--recursive
: True to copy the directory subtree to the destination directory (Default: false)--thread
: Number of threads used to copy files in parallel, defaults to 2 * CPU cores (Default: 0)
fs head
Usage: bin/alluxio fs head [path] [flags]
The head command prints the first 1KB of data of a file to the shell. Specifying the -c flag sets the number of bytes to print.
: Byte size to print (Default: "")
fs location
Usage: bin/alluxio fs location [path]
Displays the list of hosts storing the specified file.
fs ls
Usage: bin/alluxio fs ls [path] [flags]
The ls command lists all the immediate children in a directory and displays the file size, last modification time, and in memory status of the files. Using ls on a file will only display the information for that specific file.
The ls command will also load the metadata for any file or immediate children of a directory from the under storage system to Alluxio namespace if it does not exist in Alluxio. It queries the under storage system for any file or directory matching the given path and creates a mirror of the file in Alluxio backed by that file. Only the metadata, such as the file name and size, are loaded this way and no data transfer occurs.
: help for this command (Default: false)--human-readable
: Print sizes in human readable format (Default: false)--list-dir-as-file
: List directories as files (Default: false)--load-metadata
: Force load metadata for immediate children in a directory (Default: false)--omit-mount-info
: Omit mount point related information such as the UFS path (Default: false)--pinned-files
: Only show pinned files (Default: false)--recursive
: List subdirectories recursively (Default: false)--reverse
: Reverse sorted order (Default: false)--sort
: Sort entries by column, one of {creationTime|inMemoryPercentage|lastAccessTime|lastModificationTime|name|path|size} (Default: "")--timestamp
: Display specified timestamp of entry, one of {createdTime|lastAccessTime|lastModifiedTime} (Default: "")
fs mkdir
Usage: bin/alluxio fs mkdir [path1 path2 ...]
The mkdir command creates a new directory in the Alluxio filesystem. It is recursive and will create any parent directories that do not exist. Note that the created directory will not be created in the under storage system until a file in the directory is persisted to the underlying storage. Using mkdir on an invalid or existing path will fail.
fs mv
Usage: bin/alluxio fs mv [srcPath] [dstPath]
The mv command moves a file or directory to another path in Alluxio. The destination path must not exist or be a directory. If it is a directory, the file or directory will be placed as a child of the directory. The command is purely a metadata operation and does not affect the data blocks of the file.
fs rm
Usage: bin/alluxio fs rm [path] [flags]
The rm command removes a file from Alluxio space and the under storage system. The file will be unavailable immediately after this command returns, but the actual data may be deleted a while later.
: True to only remove data and metadata from Alluxio cache (Default: false)--recursive
: True to recursively remove files within the specified directory subtree (Default: false)--skip-ufs-check
: True to skip checking if corresponding UFS contents are in sync (Default: false)
fs stat
Usage: bin/alluxio fs stat [path | --file-id [id]] [flags]
The stat command dumps the FileInfo representation of a file or a directory to the shell.
: File id of file (Default: "")--format
: Display info in the given format: "%N": name of the file "%z": size of file in bytes "%u": owner "%g": group name of owner "%i": file id of the file "%y": modification time in UTC in 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss' format "%Y": modification time as Unix timestamp in milliseconds "%b": Number of blocks allocated for file (Default: "")
fs tail
Usage: bin/alluxio fs tail [path] [flags]
The tail command prints the last 1KB of data of a file to the shell. Specifying the -c flag sets the number of bytes to print.
: Byte size to print (Default: "")
fs test
Usage: bin/alluxio fs test [path] [flags]
Test a property of a path, returning 0 if the property is true, or 1 otherwise
: Test if path is a directory (Default: false)--exists
: Test if path exists (Default: false)--file
: Test if path is a file (Default: false)--not-empty
: Test if path is not empty (Default: false)--zero
: Test if path is zero length (Default: false)
fs touch
Usage: bin/alluxio fs touch [path]
Create a 0 byte file at the specified path, which will also be created in the under file system
Generate files used in documentation
generate doc-tables
Usage: bin/alluxio generate doc-tables
Generate configuration and metric tables used in documentation
generate docs
Usage: bin/alluxio generate docs [flags]
Generate all documentation files
: help for docs (Default: false)
generate third-party-licenses
Usage: bin/alluxio generate third-party-licenses [flags]
Generate third party licenses report from maven pom.xml
: Output format, csv or html (Default: "")
generate user-cli
Usage: bin/alluxio generate user-cli
Generate content for operation/User-CLI.md
Retrieve and/or display info about the running Alluxio cluster
info cache
Usage: bin/alluxio info cache [flags]
Reports worker capacity information
: Only show live workers for capacity report (Default: false)--lost
: Only show lost workers for capacity report (Default: false)--worker
: Only show specified workers for capacity report, labeled by hostname or IP address (Default: [])
info collect
Usage: bin/alluxio info collect [command] [flags]
Collects information such as logs, config, metrics, and more from the running Alluxio cluster and bundle into a single tarball
[command] must be one of the following values:
all: runs all the commands below
cluster: runs a set of Alluxio commands to collect information about the Alluxio cluster
conf: collects the configuration files under ${ALLUXIO_HOME}/config/
env: runs a set of linux commands to collect information about the cluster
jvm: collects jstack from the JVMs
log: collects the log files under ${ALLUXIO_HOME}/logs/
metrics: collects Alluxio system metrics
WARNING: This command MAY bundle credentials. Inspect the output tarball for any sensitive information and remove it before sharing with others.
: Additional file name prefixes from ${ALLUXIO_HOME}/logs to include in the tarball, inclusive of the default log files (Default: [])--end-time
: Logs that do not contain entries before this time will be ignored, format must be like 2006-01-02T15:04:05 (Default: "")--exclude-logs
: File name prefixes from ${ALLUXIO_HOME}/logs to exclude; this is evaluated after adding files from --additional-logs (Default: [])--exclude-worker-metrics
: True to skip worker metrics collection (Default: false)--include-logs
: File name prefixes from ${ALLUXIO_HOME}/logs to include in the tarball, ignoring the default log files; cannot be used with --exclude-logs or --additional-logs (Default: [])--local
: True to only collect information from the local machine (Default: false)--max-threads
: Parallelism of the command; use a smaller value to limit network I/O when transferring tarballs (Default: 1)--output-dir
: (Required) Output directory to write collect info tarball to--start-time
: Logs that do not contain entries after this time will be ignored, format must be like 2006-01-02T15:04:05 (Default: "")
info doctor
Usage: bin/alluxio info doctor [type]
Runs doctor configuration or storage command
info nodes
Usage: bin/alluxio info nodes
Show all registered workers' status
info production
Usage: bin/alluxio info production
Print the production ID
info report
Usage: bin/alluxio info report [arg] [flags]
Reports Alluxio running cluster information [arg] can be one of the following values: jobservice: job service metrics information metrics: metrics information summary: cluster summary ufs: under storage system information
Defaults to summary if no arg is provided
: Output raw JSON data instead of human-readable format for bytes, datetime, and duration. (Default: false)
info version
Usage: bin/alluxio info version
Print Alluxio version.
Initialization operations such as format and validate
init clear-os-cache
Usage: bin/alluxio init clear-os-cache
The clear-os-cache command drops the OS buffer cache
init copy-dir
Usage: bin/alluxio init copy-dir [path]
The copy-dir command copies the directory at given path to all master nodes listed in conf/masters and all worker nodes listed in conf/workers.
Note: This command does not require the Alluxio cluster to be running.
init format
Usage: bin/alluxio init format [flags]
The format command formats the Alluxio master and all its workers.
Running this command on an existing Alluxio cluster deletes everything persisted in Alluxio, including cached data and any metadata information. Data in under storage will not be changed.
Warning: Formatting is required when you run Alluxio for the first time. It should only be called while the cluster is not running.
: Only format if underfs is local and doesn't already exist (Default: false)--skip-master
: Skip formatting journal on all masters (Default: false)--skip-worker
: Skip formatting cache on all workers (Default: false)
init validate
Usage: bin/alluxio init validate [flags]
Validate Alluxio configuration or environment
: Decide the type to validate. Valid inputs: [conf, env] (Default: "")
Command line tool for interacting with the job service.
job copy
Usage: bin/alluxio job copy [flags]
The copy operator copies a file or directory in the Alluxio file system distributed across workers using the scheduler. If copy is run on a directory, files in the directory will be recursively copied.
: [submit] Whether to check content hash after copying files (Default: false)--dst
: (Required) [all] Destination path of copy operation--format
: [progress] Format of output, either TEXT or JSON (Default: "")--progress
: View progress of submitted job (Default: false)--src
: (Required) [all] Source path of copy operation--stop
: Stop running job (Default: false)--submit
: Submit job (Default: false)--verbose
: [progress] Verbose output (Default: false)
job free
Usage: bin/alluxio job free [flags]
The free command triggers a scheduler job to free a directory and release cached pages in worker page stores distributedly across workers.
: [submit] the speed of free in every worker, at number of files per second. If the value is 0 or empty, it will be set to the value of alluxio.job.batch.size (Default: 0)--force
: [submit] Trigger free even if some workers are offline (Default: false)--format
: [progress] Format of output, either TEXT or JSON (Default: "")--path
: (Required) [All] Source path of free operation--progress
: View progress of submitted job (Default: false)--recursive
: [submit] recursive free all files (Default: true)--stop
: Stop running job (Default: false)--submit
: Submit job (Default: false)--verbose
: [progress] Verbose output (Default: false)
job load
Usage: bin/alluxio job load [flags]
The load command moves data from the under storage system into Alluxio storage. For example, load can be used to prefetch data for analytics jobs. If load is run on a directory, files in the directory will be recursively loaded.
: [submit] Single worker read bandwidth limit (Default: "")--batch-size
: [submit] # of batch size to load at every worker. If the value is 0 or empty, it will be set to the value of alluxio.job.batch.size (Default: 0)--file-filter-regx
: [submit] Skip files that match the regx pattern (Default: "")--force
: [submit] Trigger metadata sync even if some workers are offline (Default: false)--format
: [progress] Format of output, either TEXT or JSON (Default: "")--index-file
: [all] Source path of the index file for load operation (Default: "")--metadata-only
: [submit] Only load file metadata (Default: false)--partial-listing
: [submit] Use partial directory listing, initializing load before reading the entire directory but cannot report on certain progress details (Default: false)--path
: [all] Source path of load operation (Default: "")--progress
: View progress of submitted job (Default: false)--replicas
: [submit] # of replicas to load (Default: 1)--skip-if-exists
: [submit] Skip existing fullly cached files (Default: false)--stop
: Stop running job (Default: false)--submit
: Submit job (Default: false)--verbose
: [progress] Verbose output (Default: false)--verify
: [submit] Run verification when load finishes and load new files if any (Default: false)
job move
Usage: bin/alluxio job move [flags]
The move operator copies a file or directory in the Alluxio file system distributed across workers using the scheduler and deletes the original file or directory. If move is run on a directory, files in the directory will be recursively moved.
: [submit] Whether to check content hash after moving files (Default: false)--dst
: (Required) [all] Destination path of move operation--format
: [progress] Format of output, either TEXT or JSON (Default: "")--progress
: View progress of submitted job (Default: false)--src
: (Required) [all] Source path of move operation--stop
: Stop running job (Default: false)--submit
: Submit job (Default: false)--verbose
: [progress] Verbose output (Default: false)
Journal related operations
journal checkpoint
Usage: bin/alluxio journal checkpoint
The checkpoint command creates a checkpoint the leading Alluxio master's journal. This command is mainly used for debugging and to avoid master journal logs from growing unbounded. Checkpointing requires a pause in master metadata changes, so use this command sparingly to avoid interfering with other users of the system.
journal format
Usage: bin/alluxio journal format
The format command formats the local Alluxio master's journal.
Warning: Formatting should only be called while the cluster is not running.
journal read
Usage: bin/alluxio journal read [flags]
The read command parses the current journal and outputs a human readable version to the local folder. This command may take a while depending on the size of the journal.
Note: This command requies that the Alluxio cluster is NOT running.
: end log sequence number (exclusive) (Default: -1)--input-dir
: input directory on-disk to read the journal content from (Default: "")--master
: name of the master class (Default: "")--output-dir
: output directory to write journal content to (Default: "")--start
: start log sequence number (inclusive) (Default: 0)
Check and manage license status
license check-expiration
Usage: bin/alluxio license check-expiration
Validates the license and print warnings if any constraint is about to be exceeded
license show
Usage: bin/alluxio license show [flags]
Show the details of the license based on the prod jar and configuration
: Output format, could be json/yaml (Default: "")
license status
Usage: bin/alluxio license status [flags]
List the current status of the cluster that license may use
: Output raw JSON data instead of human-readable format for bytes, datetime, and duration. (Default: false)
license update
Usage: bin/alluxio license update [flags]
Use the license from the current site properties file to update
: The process you want to update with the new license (Default: "")
The mount command manges the mapping from under storage path to an Alluxio path, where files and folders created in Alluxio space under the path will be backed by a corresponding file or folder in the under storage path.
mount add
Usage: bin/alluxio mount add [flags]
The add command can be used to make data in another storage system available in Alluxio.
Note that the --readonly flag mounts are useful to prevent accidental write operations. If multiple Alluxio satellite clusters mount a remote storage cluster which serves as the central source of truth, the --readonly option could help prevent any write operations on the satellite cluster from wiping out the remote storage.
To connect to the UFS for a mount point, Alluxio looks for the corresponding connector under ${ALLUXIO_HOME}/lib/ and will use the first one that supports the path. The connector jars look like lib/alluxio-underfs-hdfs-2.7.1.jar. The logic to decide whether a connector supports a path depends on the UnderFileSystemFactory implementation. When there are multiple connectors for the same UFS, like lib/alluxio-underfs-hdfs-2.7.1.jar, lib/alluxio-underfs-hdfs-2.7.1-patch1.jar, lib/alluxio-underfs-hdfs-2.7.1-patch2.jar, the option "alluxio.underfs.strict.version.match.enabled" can be used to make sure the correct one is picked up. For example, if the HDFS is running with 2.7.1-patch1, you can use "alluxio.underfs.version" and "alluxio.underfs.strict.version.match.enabled=true" to ensure "lib/alluxio-underfs-hdfs-2.7.1-patch1.jar" is used to connect to the target HDFS at hdfs://ns1/
: Set true to create mount point tracked by Alluxio master (Default: false)--option
: Configuration options, in the form of =, associated with the mount point, such as credentials (Default: [])--path
: (Required) Alluxio path to mount onto--shared
: Sets the permission bits of the mount point to be accessible for all Alluxio users (Default: false)--ufs-uri
: (Required) UFS URI to mount
mount list
Usage: bin/alluxio mount list [flags]
List all known mount points set on the Alluxio filesystem
: Set true to list mount points under the master based registration (Default: false)
mount remove
Usage: bin/alluxio mount remove [flags]
Removes the mount point at the specified path
: Set true to delete mount point under the master based registration (Default: false)--path
: (Required) Alluxio path to unmount
The policy command manages policy-drive data management
policy add
Usage: bin/alluxio policy add [flags]
Adds a policy definition to an Alluxio path. The specified operation would be automatically run based on the cron expression.
The cron expression doc can be found here. You can use this Cron Parser to help understand the cron expression here.
Warning: We do not support policies which are triggered more frequently than every 30 seconds
Filter condition is specified in the format of "(startTime[, endTime])" There are three types of filter condition:
unmodifiedFor: the policy will be executed when a file or directory is not modified for a certain period of time.
dateFromFileNameOlderThan: the date will be extracted from the file name based on the pattern specified by the user. The pattern needs to include "YYYY", which represents the year, "MM", which represents the month, "DD", which represents the date of the month.
lastModifiedDate: the policy will be executed when the last modified date of a file or directory is within a certain period. The format of the date should be "YYYY/MM/DD", otherwise the policy will be invalid.
The time period can be specified using a single start time, or a start time and an end time. For each time value, use s, m, h, d to indicate time unit for seconds, minutes, hours, and days respectively. For example,
unmodifiedFor(30m) sets a policy to execute after a file is not modified for 30 minutes.
dateFromFileNameOlderThan(2d) sets a policy to execute after the date from the file name is older than 2 days.
dateFromFileNameOlderThan(1d, 3d) sets a policy to execute after the date from the file name is older than 1 day, but younger than 3 days.
The format for lastModifiedDate filter is a little bit different. The startTime and endTime shall be specific dates. For example,
lastModifiedDate(2022/10/10) sets a policy to execute if a file is last modified after 2022/10/10, including 2022/10/10.
lastModifiedDate(2022/10/10, 2023/08/01) sets a policy to execute if a file is last modified after 2022/10/10 and before 2023/08/01, including 2022/10/10, but excluding 2023/08/01.
: Specify if the content has should be compared after copying files (Default: false)--dst
: (Required) Destination path to apply policy operation--file-date-pattern
: File date pattern to use for filter condition 'dateFromFileNameOlderThan' (Default: "")--filter
: (Required) Filter condition to apply when scanning for files to operate on--name
: Policy name (Default: "")--operation
: (Required) Operation to execute, either move orcopy
: (Required) Source path to apply policy operation--time
: (Required) Cron expression to represent the policy trigger schedule
policy list
Usage: bin/alluxio policy list
Lists the policy definitions
policy remove
Usage: bin/alluxio policy remove [flags]
Remove a policy definition from Alluxio
: (Required) Policy name
policy status
Usage: bin/alluxio policy status [flags]
Get detailed status of a policy by its name.
: (Required) Policy name
policy trigger
Usage: bin/alluxio policy trigger [flags]
Manually triggers a policy to be run
: (Required) Policy name
Start or stop cluster processes
process start
Usage: bin/alluxio process start [flags]
Starts a single process locally or a group of similar processes across the cluster. For starting a group, it is assumed the local host has passwordless SSH access to other nodes in the cluster. The command will parse the hostnames to run on by reading the conf/masters and conf/workers files, depending on the process type.
: Asynchronously start processes without monitoring for start completion (Default: false)--console-log
: Log output to stdout in addition to log file (Default: false)--direct
: (For use in docker) Directly run the start command, skipping all other steps and avoid using nohup to launch (Default: false)--skip-kill-prev
: Avoid killing previous running processes when starting (Default: false)
process stop
Usage: bin/alluxio process stop [flags]
Stops a single process locally or a group of similar processes across the cluster. For stopping a group, it is assumed the local host has passwordless SSH access to other nodes in the cluster. The command will parse the hostnames to run on by reading the conf/masters and conf/workers files, depending on the process type.
: Soft kill only, don't forcibly kill the process (Default: false)
Security server related commands
security token
Usage: bin/alluxio security token
Get one token from the security service
Last updated